Your source for news about closing the last mile investment gap in the global clean energy transition.


The SHINE Collab connects you with research, tools and best practices to help you prioritize just, clean, distributed energy solutions initiatives focused on:

  • Reaching the hardest-to-reach communities.
  • Incorporating the full participation of communities in developing locally-owned, affordable clean energy assets that improve and sustain their livelihoods.
  • Empowering by women, indigenous persons, and racial and cultural minorities in their respective contexts
  • Respecting human rights and the environment while serving communities left behind by centralized, large-scale energy access initiatives.


How decentralised renewable energy impacts incomes and climate, May 2024. The energy transition should do more than secure livelihoods; it should help them grow. Here’s how decentralised renewable energy (DRE) can help achieve this. By Harish Hande, CEO, Selco Foundation.

Private Businesses Alone Can’t bring energy to the Last Mile, April 2024. The critical role of women and communities in moving to a just energy transition and why new business models and innovative financing are a must to achieve sustainable power shifts.

Engaging People for Just Transitions, IDS Jan 2023. Research delivering Key insights that might inform contemporary efforts to ensure that energy transitions are just transitions.

Why Off-Grid Energy Matters 2024, 60decibels, March 2024. In case you didn’t believe the substantial impacts that access to electricity through off grid solar solutions delivers, this report is for you.  Includes data reinforcing the role of women and local entrepreneurs in generating positive impacts through off grid solar solutions.

Gender Just Transition: A Path to System Change, WEDO, November 2023. What do we mean by a gender just transition and how does this recognize energy as an essential element without perpetuating the same systems of oppression, exploitation, and extraction of both people and the planet.


Power to the People: A Gender Just Energy Transition and Why It Matters (July 2024) Webinar Follow-up: Click to read.

May 2024 Update from Mela Chiponda: Download or read here.

SHINE news