The SHINE Collab connects you with research, tools and best practices to help you prioritize just, clean, distributed energy solutions initiatives focused on: 

  • Reaching the hardest-to-reach communities.
  • Incorporating the full participation of communities in developing locally-owned, affordable clean energy assets that improve and sustain their livelihoods.
  • Empowering by women, indigenous persons, and racial and cultural minorities in their respective contexts
  • Respecting human rights and the environment while serving communities left behind by centralized, large-scale energy access initiatives.


GOGLA Climate Paper

GOGLA | September 2023


Opinion: Renewable energy needs accountability to end green colonialism

Devex | March 2023


Selling Productive Use of Energy Products to Last Mile Consumers

Global Distributers Collective (GDC) | July 2022


Appliances for ALL: Assessing the Inclusivity of the Solar Lighting & Appliance Sector

Efficiency for Access | September 2022


How to Unlock Financing for Mini-Grids in Africa at Scale Through Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

African Mini-grid Developers Association (AMDA), Renewable Energy Performance Platform (REPP) | March 2023


Benchmarking Africa’s Minigrids Report

African Minigrid Developers Association (AMDA) | 2022


Off-Grid Solar Market Trends Report 2022: State of the Sector

GOGLA | 2022


The Path to Universal Electricity Access: The Role of Technology, Market Forces and Policy

POWER for ALL | July 2023


The Power of Collaborative Philanthropy: Giving Together to the Address Climate Crisis

Climate Leadership Initiative | 2022


Funding Tends 2022: Climate Change Mitigation Philanthropy

ClimateWorks Foundation | 2022


What is the Impact of Investing in Power: Practical Thinking on Investing for Development

Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) CDC | January 2020


Strengthening Gender Equity in Locally Led Adaption Processes in Africa

World Resources Institute, Women’s Climate Centers International (WCCI) | June 2023


Working Paper: Powering a Gender-Just Energy Transition

ENERGIA, GGKP Expert Group on Gender | March 2023


Building the Business Case for Women’s Inclusive Financing in Last-Mile Renewable Energy Markets in Sub-Saharan Africa

ENERGIA | October 2022


Holistic Ecosystem Approach to Reliable Energy Services

Good Energies Foundation, SELCO | November 2022


Climate Resilience in India: Key Insights from Acumen’s Agriculture Accelerator

Acumen, Rabo Foundation | (not dated)


Global Landscape of Climate Finance: A Decade of Data

Climate Policy Initiative | October 2022


Protecting Communities and the Climate from Corruption

Waverly Street, Transparency International | (not dated)


Providing Emergency Relief for Clean Energy Entrepreneurs Working ‘Last Mile’ Access in Uganda

One Earth (Daughters for Earth) | (not dated)


Funding Social Justice in the Energy Transition

The African Climate Foundation | March 2023


Philanthropies Commit to Sustained Collective Action in Response to the Climate Emergency

Children’s Investment Fund Foundation | December 2020


Philanthropy’s Momentum Shifting Power to Local Communities

Hewlett Foundation | April 2023


How Communities of Color Lead on Climate Solutions-And Ways to Support Them

Hewlett Foundation | August 2022


Progress Report: Almost One-fifth of US$1.7B, Five Year Pledge Delivered for Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities in First Year After UN Climate Change Talks in Glasgow, Yet Urgent Work Remains

Ford Foundation | November 2022


Co-Impact is Excited to Announce the Development of Our Second Fund – The Gender Fund- to Accelerate Progress Towards Gender Equality and Women’s Leadership

Co-Impact: Gender Fund Announcement | (not dated)


How Can the EU Deliver a Socially Just Green Deal?

Open Society Foundations | May 2022


Request for Proposals: Just Transition Mapping

Mapping Organizations and Efforts Working to deliver Just Transitions Across Sectors and Geographies

Laudes Foundation, Wallace Global Fund, Ford Foundation | May-June 2023


Coal in Net Zero Transitions: Strategies for Rapid, Secure and People-Centered Change

Bloomberg Philanthropies, International Energy Agency | November 2022


Grid Alternatives: Bringing Solar Power to Low-Income Neighborhoods

11th Hour Project, The Schmidt Foundation | (not dated)


Inclusive Engineering Increases Energy Access in the Amazon

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation | June 2023


Four Attitudes Toward Climate Change in India

MacArthur Foundation, Yale Program on Climate Change Communications | May 2023


What Gets Measured Gets Financed: Climate Finance Funding Flows and Opportunities

The Rockefeller Foundation | November 2022


She Leads Bharat: Elevating Women Leaders to Build Thriving Rural Communities, One Entrepreneur at a Time

Frontier Markets | (not dated)


Toward a Gender-Transformative Agenda for Climate and Environmental Action

Women’s Environmental Development Organization (WEDO) | March 2022


Transforming the Power System in Energy-Poor Countries: Connecting Human Opportunity with Climate Action

Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet | (not dated)